Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Why Make Sense? by Hot Chip (2015)

Here is Hot Chip with their most analog and funky release yet, Why Make Sense?

If you're already a fan of Hot Chip, you probably won't have a problem getting into this. It doesn't stray too much from their past work (most of their stuff is very similar), but there definitely are noticeable differences here, such as the live instrumentation and disco/funk influences. For example, guitar on past Hot Chip tracks such as Over and Over are used much more for beat/rhythm; while the guitars on this thing are heavily soaked in funk and small wandering riffs, creating grooves and textures you might hear on a George Clinton project but with a modern electricity. There are also a lot of strings laden throughout the track listing, usually just peeking out in the background with something catchy to offer.

I definitely enjoy this album much more than their other recent efforts, it seems to embody a style and sound that is not yet campy but still self aware and playful. It's danceable, catchy, layered, bassy but not too 'bangin', and features a lot of arpeggiating melodies that really stick with you. It's also surprisingly consistent, I wouldn't be able to pick a favorite track if I had to, while staying (songwriting-wise) diverse and fresh.

If you enjoy synthpop, funky and groovy electronica, bands like LCD Soundsystem, Cut Copy or YACHT, you'll probably enjoy this.

[zip mp3 128kbps (i'll post a better quality when one surfaces)]

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